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Share/Savings Accounts

Club Accounts

Christmas Club .35 Div. Rate .35 APY
Vacation Club .35 Div. Rate .35 APY
IRA Accounts

Individual Retirement Account .50 Div. Rate .50 APY
Share Accounts

$100.00 – $5000.00 .35 Div. Rate .35 APY
$5000.01 – $10,000.00 .40 Div. Rate .40 APY
$10,000.01 – $25,000.00 .45 Div. Rate .45 APY
$25,000.01 and greater .50 Div. Rate .50 APY
Dividends posted for quarter ending September 30, 2024. Dividends are declared prior to the end of each quarter.
Share Certificate Accounts

3 Month Certificate 1.00 Div. Rate 1.01 APY
6 Month Certificate 3.50 Div. Rate 3.56 APY
12 Month Certificate 4.00 Div. Rate 4.08 APY
18 Month Certificate 3.50 Div. Rate 3.56 APY
24 Month Certificate 1.00 Div. Rate 1.01 APY
36 Month Certificate 1.00 Div. Rate 1.01 APY
Other Certificate of Deposit terms available upon request. Contact us if you find a more favorable Certificate of Deposit rate at another local financial institution.

Loan Accounts

Unsecured Loans (Signature)

Signature Loan 14.00 APR
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply

**Specialty Loans**                                                   6.00 APR

Christmas Loans, Vacation Loans, Disaster Relief Loans


Vehicle Loans

New Auto 5.50 APR*
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply
Used Auto 6.00 APR*
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply
We offer financing up to 72 months on newer vehicles.
Recreational Vehicle Loans

New Camper/RV 7.50 APR*
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply
Used Camper/RV 8.00 APR*
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply
We now offer financing up to 84 months on Campers and RV’s. Term determined by loan amount and model year.
Motorcycle Loans

New Motorcycle 7.50 APR*
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply
Used Motorcycle 8.00 APR*
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply
Watercraft Loans

New Boat 7.50 APR*
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply
Used Boat 8.00 APR*
  *Platinum credit tier, other restrictions may apply
We now offer financing up to 84 months on Boats and Watercraft. Term determined by loan amount and model year.

*Base rate reflects Platinum Tier pricing with a FICO credit score of 730 or greater. Rates are tiered based on member credit score. Other restrictions may apply.

Fees & Disclosures

Deposit Account Fees

Share Excessive Withdrawal 10.00
Dormant Account 15.00
Overdraft Item 35.00
Stop Payment 38.00
IRA Annual Fee 25.00
IRA Closing Fee 25.00
Overdraft Protection Transfer    5.00
Loan Account Fees

Application Fee 30.00
Late Fee 30.00
Miscellaneous Fees

Share Membership   5.00
Reissue Lost or Stolen Card 10.00
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